This Company has been ID validated by Tradeloop and adheres to the Tradeloop Code of Ethics.
Status: Trusted member since December 22, 2022
Ethics Complaints: None
About Upper Edge Technologies, Inc.:
Upper Edge Tech works as an advocate to each of our customers, providing solutions to laptop parts procurement quickly and efficiently.

Notably through our extensive and completely in-house inventory, which is ready to ship anywhere in the world the same day, or to any destination in the US overnight with the latest possible ordering timeframe for our customers convenience. Also of import is our reasonable and competitive pricing, which not only pays for the fully tested and guaranteed parts that come with a 60 day warranty, but also supplies our renowned and recognized customer service through which there is opportunity to be partnered one-on-one, with one of our sales and customer specialists who will 'step up to bat for your team' while wearing an Upper Edge Tech 'jersey'.

Your representative will also be able to help you through our quick and easy replacement and return procedure if you happen upon a part that doesn't meet your qualifications, or the needs of your customers. Above all, we've embarked on this mission, this vocation, this particular and specific job as a result of a God-given directive to spread His word and to use proceeds to support His work and His workers.

This business has been ID verified by Tradeloop for Secondary Computer Market Trading and is a valid Tradeloop Member. The trusted Certified Member Badge is only presented to members in good standing who adhere to the Tradeloop Code of Ethics.

All Tradeloop Members are ID validated and must maintain a valid email, phone, and mailing address to remain as members. They also must agree to adhere to the Tradeloop Code of Ethics including responding to any complaints brought against them. Read more about our Complaints Process Here. Companies displaying the Certified Member Badge are your safest shopping destination. Browse and shop with confidence.

This information is intended as an approximate indication of the efforts of this business and the website to maintain ethical standards. While neither this nor any other trustmark can by itself guarantee security, it does show that this business is a member of an industry organization that monitors and polices security issues in accordance with a standardized Code of Ethics. While Tradeloop makes reasonable efforts to assure this company behaves in an ethical and proper manner, Tradeloop makes no warranty or claim of any kind whatsoever about the accuracy or usefulness of any information provided herein. By using this information you agree that Tradeloop shall be held harmless in any event.